Homework Help!

How Can I Help My Child With Homework?

By Mrs. Bashaw and Mrs. Tocornal

Many parents ask the question, "How can I help my child with homework?" As teachers we are always pleased to provide advice in this area, since there is a fine line between "helping" and "doing". The following are some suggestions that may make helping with homework easier:

1. Choose a consistent homework location. This should be a fairly quiet, well lit area, with a comfortable writing surface.

2. Designate this location as your child’s "office". Make sure that your child has supplies available such as paper, pencils, erasers, markers, crayons, scissors, glue, tape, and post-it papers for notes. Your child may also benefit from having a large monthly calendar posted on the wall for reminders. Now your child is all set up and you are ready to be a homework helper.

3. Check your child’s planner/homework folder every night. Many teachers require daily parent signatures. This is one way that we know your child is sharing his/her planner with you daily.

4. Review each assignment with your child to make sure that it is being correctly understood. If necessary, brainstorm with your child how to begin the assignment.

5. If your child is struggling, break the assignment down into smaller tasks. Have the child do 3 problems and then check them. Providing positive comments frequently, throughout a task, should encourage your child to continue with the assignment. If your child is struggling to read, have him/her read aloud to you. Discuss the story as you go to help your child understand what was read. Children also benefit from hands-on activities. When studying for a spelling test, write the words in shaving cream, form them out of play-dough, spell them using magnetic letters – have fun!



Special Education and the Quarterly Report

Have you ever wondered exactly what was coming home with your child's report card?  Every child who works in the 12:1 primary classroom will also bring home a document called a Quarterly Report.  The Quarterly Report lists the goals on your child's Individualized Education Program (IEP).  These are the specific goals that a special education teacher is working on with your child.  The goals include the criteria that your child must meet before the goal is considered mastered.  The Quarterly Report uses a key to inform you as to your child's progress on each goal.  There is also a section for teacher comments.  The Quarterly Report is one way that you as a parent have to gain valuable and specific information regarding your child's progress.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's Quarterly Report, please do not hesitate to contact me.